
The Role of the School Ambassador

Our school ambassadors are expected to: 

  • Be role models of exemplary behaviour. 
  • Be familiar with our behaviour policy, our school improvement priorities and regularly view the school website so that you know what is or has been occurring across the school. 
  • Recognise the success of others by awarding children with weekly certificates - from the ambassadors - celebrating their achievements.
  • Meet and greet visitors to the school
  • Promote our school motto, ‘Learning by caring and sharing’ across the school in their interactions with other children.
  • Contribute to our Meadows in the Moment school newsletter. 
  • Meet with Mrs Kuffour to review learning and behaviour across the school as well as to discuss how our school is improving. Represent the voice of the pupils during these meeting. 
  • Help to generate ideas about fundraising.

Amy and Isaac


“Hello, we are the new ambassadors for our school. We are role models to other children of kindness, behaviour and a positive attitude towards ours and other people’s learning. We feel proud to be role models for our school because we can inspire others to be the best that they can be. One of our roles is looking out for children who have been doing great learning and give certificates to them in Celebrations Assembly. We felt nervous doing this for the first time but really happy too because we were proud to share other peoples’ successes.”

Amy and Isaac