Hello! My name is Mrs Farrand and I am the Class 2 teacher. In my spare time I enjoy walking and being surrounded by nature, particularly being near the sea. I also like to go swimming and reading books, especially mystery novels. At home, I love spending time with my two lovely cats Jess and Dillon, who like to have lots of cuddles. When I can, I also like to go shopping and unfortunately enjoy eating chocolate far too much!

Hello.  My name is Mrs Hall and I am the teaching assistant in Kingfishers, class 2.  I joined The Meadows 18 months ago and have loved getting to know all the fantastic children throughout the school.    In my spare time I love spending time with my family, walking our mischievous Labrador, Jasper, being outdoors, visiting new places and reading. 

Class 2 Curriculum - Odd year

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Class 2 Curriculum - Even year

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Reading: Daily reading should be recorded in children's diary. Reading books are changed on Wednesday and Thursday. Children may also choose a 'Reading for Pleasure' book to read at home and at certain times in school. Rising Stars is used for Guided Reading and enables children to practise reading books for these sessions as well as offering a range of questions about the texts to support comprehension skills. Passwords for this are available in Reading Diaries.

Spelling: New spellings are sent home on Friday and are reviewed the following Friday. Children are also asked to use their words in sentences to demonstrate understanding in context.

Mental Maths: homework will be sent home on a Friday to be practised ready for the following week. This supports the children with their F.U.N Maths sessions (Fluency and Understanding of Number) and is applied to daily maths lessons.

Zumos: This is available to support children's mental wellbeing. It provides a range of activities, including games, medications and a journal. Passwords for this are in reading diaries.

Please encourage your child to value the importance of home learning, which provides an opportunity for them to practise and consolidate their skills.

Meet the Teacher

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For the latest goverment guidance on KS1 SATs, download this document.

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FUN Maths

In Class 2, we focus on the quick recall of a range of different number bonds at speed.